FootNoteFridays w/ C.T. Ballentine

I've been reading a lot about architecture in the last week,
in the service of a backyard building project I have planned for my garden and just generally to help with planning out future endeavours to fill up time through the quickly approaching winter months.

A film shoot last Sunday brought me to an impressively ornate building,
giving me the chance to go up close and study all the things I've been seeing in books.

Then I rushed straight home to work on a sound design gig for a short film in the horror/thriller genre,
which mainly involves playing with power tools and gargling water whilst standing next to microphones.

And occasionally, when the house is empty, throwing chairs and other breakables down this stairwell. It's totally effective, but I'm definitely concerned that those around me might question my sanity. Foley arts can quite easily lead you straight to a loony bin!

It's been a wild and busy week. I picked up this radio at Creative Reuse for a single dollar and I've been getting back into radio listening while I work. Mostly I listen to NPR. I hear we have a government again! How about that? I hadn't really noticed a difference.

This poem here, which I found in an introduction to Narrow Road to a Far Province by the Japanese poet Basho, really sums up my outlook on life and art recently. I hope you enjoy it!

A seashell
Is a Japanese poem
Of seventeen syllables—
Small and formal in shape
But containing

'til next week!

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