InspirationStation : MCA for the day 12.10.13

Today was beautiful and cold. 
Totally beautiful but mostly cold.


I am so fortunate to travel with friends. 
Jessica took her first CTA ride today.
It was awesome!
In this picture she looks confused and that's actually pretty accurate.
She was all like... "FROZEN LAKE?!"
and like..."ooooooooooo".

One of my favorite adventures to go on in Chicago is a nice trek to a Museum.
Today's pick?
The MCA.

Contemporary... not usually my cup of tea.
It's like the tea I don't mind drinking but never really crave.
This time around however...
Well , this was some good tea.

Penny for your thoughts?

My dad's garage is at the MCA now?!
You should check it out.
(it's not but you should still check it out)

I have never heard of this artist until today but loved his work!
He created the mobile and I was incredibly inspired during this exhibit!
If you'd like to learn more

left hand side.....
I wish I made that.

And this below was fun!

Jessica just had to get her shots of me.
Not allowed, usually.

It was quite the maze

but we made it.

It's time for sleep.

Goodnight, Chicago.

For info on Chicago's MCA

Tip: Tuesdays are free!


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